On Release Event: the user has taken their finger off the phone after a period of time. On Hold Event: the user has one finger on the phone for a period of time. Swipe Right Event: the user has swiped right on the touchscreen. Swipe Left Event: the user has swiped left on the touchscreen.
Swipe Down Event: the user has swiped down on the touchscreen. Swipe Up Event: the user has swiped up on the touchscreen. Tap Event: the user has done a single tap on the touchscreen. Off Target Event: the PhoneController prefab is no longer pointing at a game object in the scene (game object requires a collider). On Target Event: the PhoneController prefab is pointing at a game object in the scene (game object requires a collider). (see example scene DreamWorld > Examples > Scenes > PhoneInteraction). The PhoneInteraction.cs script can also be used in conjunction with the HandGestureInteraction.cs for additional interactivity on Android devices. The PhoneInteraction.cs works similarly to the HandGestureInteraction.cs, by adding this script to game objects in the scene events can be triggered to call functions when gestures are performed. This can be customized by replacing the public variable with any GameObject in the scene. This can be customized by replacing the public variable with any GameObject in the scene.Ĭursor Off Go: The cursor when a collider is not in front of the user. It’s necessary to add some cushion so the cursor doesn’t intersect with the highlighted object.Ĭursor On Go: The cursor when a collider is in front of the user. Object Offset: When in “Dynamic,” & “Normals Facing,” mode this is the distance from the cursor to the object in front of it. Having a large distance between the cursor and the objects can result in difficulties focusing.Ĭursor Move Speed: When in “Dynamic,” & “Normals Facing,” mode this is the speed the cursor snaps to the objects in the scene and returns to it’s default position. It’s recommended to make this distance slightly less than the distance from the CameraRig and the other objects in the scene. Start Dist: Cursor’s starting distance from the user. Mode (Normal Facing): The cursor will snap to the location of any object with a collider that moves in front of it and will rotate to face the normal directions of that mesh. Mode (Dynamic): The cursor will snap to the location of any object with a collider that moves in front of it and return to the starting position when no collider is detected. Mode (Fixed): The cursor will always stay at a fixed location in front of the user. Type (Phone): The cursor will follow the user’s phone rotation (Android only). Type (Head): The cursor will follow the user’s head movement. By default the phones rotation is reset using a double tap and can also be reset by calling the ResetController() function in PhoneController.cs. The rotation of the controller can be reset to face in front of the user if drifting occurs using the commands provided. The PhoneController.cs script allows the PhoneController prefab to follow the rotation of the phone and enables targeting virtual objects in front of the phone that have the PhoneInteraction.cs script and a collider attached. If you’re building to an Android device, use the PhoneController prefab and the PhoneInteraction.cs script to quickly build interaction with the smartphone. On Release Event: the user has released the hold hand gesture. On Hold Event: the user has performed a hold hand gesture. On Open Palm Event: the user has performed an open palm hand gesture. On Click Event: the user has performed an air click hand gesture. Unfocus Event: the user is no longer looking at an object they previously looked at. HandGestureInteraction.cs Focus Event: the user is looking at the object with the collider. (see example scene DreamWorld > Examples > Scenes > HandGesturelInteraction). Below is a list of the events that can be called by using this script. The HandGestureInteraction.cs script provides a list of events that can be used to manipulate objects and call functions in your own scripts.